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SOO LONG (21.08.2020)

Introducing a new ambassador to the OneState Embassy in Vienna

Diplomatic performance

Osama Zatar | Inbal Volpo Musical performance by Barbis Ruder, David Pridal and Esther Wratschko

Osama Zatar and Tal Adler have appointed themselves as the first ambassadors of OneState in June 2009, in the absence of any other diplomatic services at the time. OneState Embassy in Vienna became the first Embassy to represent OneState globally.

Inbal Volpo, the new ambassador to the OneState, was officially introduced during the opening of the exhibition SOO LONG. Inbal and Osama planted a seedling as an invitation to a new beginning with gardening tools made from converted weapons made by the ambassador Osama Zatar, followed by the raising of the official flag of the Embassy and a briefing in four languages.

Musical performance by Barbis Ruder, David Pridal, and Esther Wratschko was held at the gallery plaza open to the public with musical instruments made by Osama Zatar from converted weapons.

“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

(The Book of Isaiah 2, verse 4)

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